NSF approved Glass Fused Steel to Tank for Potable Water Plant    

A large range of water treatment can be accommodated within Glass Fused Steel to Tanks, including 
sedimentation tanks, borehole water tank , desalination tanks for seawater, reverse osmosis (RO), permeate
 tanks, settling tanks, filtration tanks, disinfection tanks, coagulation / flocculation tanks, aeration tanks, 
activated sludge tanks, filter tanks, chlorine contact tanks and dosing tanks, and many others tank . 

The bolted tank system allows potable tank designs to be used in various configurations including water storage 
reservoirs, water standpipes, and elevated water distribution tanks.It complies with American water works association D103 criterion . Designs can accommodate secure tank storage for local environmental conditions, such as high wind speeds, snow or seismic loads. 

glass fused to steel  tank

It is made of Ti-rich steel coated with glass . The tank is bolted together by high grade bolts and sealed by silicone sealant .  The tank color can be customized according to customers . Except for to store water, glass fused steel tank can also be used as waste water storage, digester and reactor in wastewater treatment projects and other waste to energy fields. Capacity we are capable of ranges from 20 m3 to 18,000 m3 . It suits for PH from 1 to 14 . The spark test on steel plates is 1500 V . Service life is over 30 years . 

Specification of glass fused to steel  tank

Coating color
dark blue, dark green , white, and customized 
A standard steel plate size
effective size 2400mm x 1200 m 
Steel plates thickness
3mm - 12mm , depends on the diameter & height
Coating thickness
0.25mm - 0.4mm, two coating internal and external
Acid and alkalinity proof 
standard coating suits for PH3 - PH11, special coating suits for PH1 - PH14
same as steel sheet , around 500KN/mm
6.0 Mohs
Service life
>30 years
Spark test 
>1500 V
gas and liquid impermeable
Easy yo clean
smooth, glossy, inert, anti-adhesion
Corrosion resistance 
excellent ! Suitable for waste water salt water, sea water, high sulfur crude oil, 
salt fox, organic and inorganic compounds 

Glass fused steel tank advantages 

·  1. superior performance in corrosion resistance and against rust : glass fused steel tank is combination of glass and steel . Glass is coated to steel and become a protection layer to the tank body
· 2. factory fabrication tank . No painting or spray on erection site . The process of glass coating is finished in factory, so there is no spray works to be done on job site . Glass fused steel tank is a kind of factory pre-fabricated tank
· 3. minimal maintenance cost : once it is erected, there is minimal maintenance requirement needed. 
· 5.  No need crane or other large equipment during erection. Since glass fused steel tank is bolted type tank . So no need for crane to hang the tanks and located it. Workers just assemble steel  plates and bolted them piece by piece
· 6. not subjected to severe weather and environment. Glass fused steel tank is not subjected to environmental and weather. It can be erected at remote places like desert and extremely cold places. 
· 7. can be designed to future expansion, dismantle or re-movement. If it is specified before the tank manufacturing that a future expansion is needed, engineer will make the structure suitable for future enlarged capacity. It can be realized by simply adding another rings 
· 8. free service for technical drawings . Once a order deal, all drawings, pictures, technical documents are provided to customer free of charge . 
· 9. turn key service from proposal to tank commissioning . Our team provides proposals according to customer’s tender file or FRQ , shipment of material, tank erection , water proof treatment and commissioning.

Project References

agricultural filtered water storage tank
agricultural water treatment project
fire water storage project
up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor 
biogas tank for bioenergy project
brewery wastewater treatment solutions
The clove storage tank of tobacco company
coco cola plant wastewater treatment
Costa Rica drinking water project
drinking water project in Australia
drinking water storage
fire water storage tank
fire water storage tank in Brunei
Fire-Water Storage Tank of Tobacco Manufacture
glass fused to steel tank
glass fused to steel tanks certifications
glass fused to steel tanks manufacturer
glass fused to steel technology
global advanced storage tank solutions
government leachate treatment project
The Heineken wastewater treatment plant
Heineken wastewater treatment plant in East Timor
high airtightness glass fused to steel tank for biogas project
Agriculture Water Tank
high-quality dry bulk storage tanks
high-quality fire protection water storage tanks meet the wide range of international standards
high-quality glass fused to steel bolted tanks
high-quality glass fused to steel tank
high-quality municipal sewage storage tank
high record for fire water tanks
how is the glass fused to steel tanks assembled
Indonesia palm oil wastewater treatment plant
inner Mongolia biogas project
Jiangsu rural domestic wastewater treatment forum
landfill leachate treatment
landfill leachate treatment forum
landfill leachate treatment project in Beijing
leachate containment tanks
leading storage tanks solutions in indo water 2019
municipal sewage
municipal sewage storage tanks with high corrosion resistance
municipal wastewater treatment plant in Kuwait
pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
potable water project in costa Rica
potable water project in Panama
relocated industrial wastewater storage tanks for wastewater treatment engineering
secondary agricultural effluent storage tank
Taizhou leachate anaerobic nitrification reactors
textile industry parks wastewater treatment project
the history of glass fused to steel tanks
the rationality of storage tanks design
two potable water storage tanks
the urban wastewater treatment plant
wastewater storage tank for the wastewater treatment plant in Singapore
wastewater treatment
wastewater treatment plants will have the change to be sustainable biorefineries
water tank in Panama
Suzhou municipal sewage treatment plant



Sewage Holding Tank consist of glass lined steel panels 

Meeting the Highest Standards: Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd’s Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks Comply with AWWA D103

Utilizing Quality Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks as wastewater treatment process tanks