200000 Gallon Liquid Storage Tank For Industrial Liquid Storage

Center Enamel a leading source of top-of-the-line liquid storage tanks for every industry need. We have designed, manufactured and installed liquid storage tanks for more than 30 years. We are the first liquid storage tanks manufacturer and supplier in China, but also the most experienced liquid storage tanks manufacturer in all of Asia. Our liquid storage tanks are widely used for industrial liquid storage. Our liquid storage tanks are made of Glass-Fused-to-Steel, we also call it Glass-Fused-to-Steel liquid storage tanks.

Glass fused to steel tank application

Power and Energy
Water supply and Treatment
Wastewater Treatment
Industrial dry bulk storage
Biogas biomass
Buffer Pool
Aviation oil
Bitter-brackish water
Aerobic Reactor
Wood product
Process water
Raw water/Freshwater
Biological Filter
Boiler Feedwater
Effluent Treatment
Fuel Oil
Biological Filter
Regulating Tank
Water Purifying
Anaerobic reactor
DI water
Fire-fighting water
Leachate Storage
Coal Storage
Saline Water/Brine Water
Irrigation water
Grain / Seeds
Sedimentation Container
Water Purifying

Drilling mud
Ro Water
Sedimentation Container

Reverse osmosis water
Sea water desalinization
Sludge Tank

Glass fused to steel tank combined with “ glass ” and “ steel”, so it has the excellent corrosion resistant of glass as well as the strength and flexibility of steel . Glass fused to steel sheet coated the enamel frit ( it is made mix with about 20 different kinds of materials ) on the Ti-rich specialize steel sheet ( ATR 310 steel sheet, which is the special steel of enamel steel sheet ) . We can coat one enamel one fire, two enamel two fire, three enamel three fied on double side of steel sheet. The coating on double steel sheet make the acid and alkali proof is excellent, the service life of it is more than 30 years, which is better than traditional tanks.

The high-temperature fusion of glass to steel fired at 800 - 950-degree results in an inert, durable finish. Applied to both interior and exterior, the GFS technology can withstand the rigorous of the construction site and provide many years of trouble-free service in harsh environments. For the erection there is no need large machines to do it, it is the bolted tank which erected by high corrosion bolts ( HDG bolts or SS bolted ) and flexible sealant. All of the holes are pre-cut in the workshop instead of on-site, and they are in free charges.

Project References

agricultural filtered water storage tank
agricultural water treatment project
fire water storage project
up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor 
biogas tank for bioenergy project
brewery wastewater treatment solutions
The clove storage tank of tobacco company
coco cola plant wastewater treatment
Costa Rica drinking water project
drinking water project in Australia
drinking water storage
fire water storage tank
fire water storage tank in Brunei
Fire-Water Storage Tank of Tobacco Manufacture
glass fused to steel tank
glass fused to steel tanks certifications
glass fused to steel tanks manufacturer
glass fused to steel technology
global advanced storage tank solutions
government leachate treatment project
The Heineken wastewater treatment plant
Heineken wastewater treatment plant in East Timor
high airtightness glass fused to steel tank for biogas project
Agriculture Water Tank
high-quality dry bulk storage tanks
high-quality fire protection water storage tanks meet the wide range of international standards
high-quality glass fused to steel bolted tanks
high-quality glass fused to steel tank
high-quality municipal sewage storage tank
high record for fire water tanks
how is the glass fused to steel tanks assembled
Indonesia palm oil wastewater treatment plant
inner Mongolia biogas project
Jiangsu rural domestic wastewater treatment forum
landfill leachate treatment
landfill leachate treatment forum
landfill leachate treatment project in Beijing
leachate containment tanks
leading storage tanks solutions in indo water 2019
municipal sewage
municipal sewage storage tanks with high corrosion resistance
municipal wastewater treatment plant in Kuwait
pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
potable water project in costa Rica
potable water project in Panama
relocated industrial wastewater storage tanks for wastewater treatment engineering
secondary agricultural effluent storage tank
Taizhou leachate anaerobic nitrification reactors
textile industry parks wastewater treatment project
the history of glass fused to steel tanks
the rationality of storage tanks design
two potable water storage tanks
the urban wastewater treatment plant
wastewater storage tank for the wastewater treatment plant in Singapore
wastewater treatment
wastewater treatment plants will have the change to be sustainable biorefineries
water tank in Panama
Suzhou municipal sewage treatment plant

YouTube Project Reference

Wastewater Storage tanks

Bolted Steel Tanks
Potable Water Tanks
Drinking-Water Storage Tanks
Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks
Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks
Biogas Storage Tanks
Dry Bulk Storage Tanks
Anaerobic Digester Tanks



Sewage Holding Tank consist of glass lined steel panels 

Meeting the Highest Standards: Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd’s Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks Comply with AWWA D103

Utilizing Quality Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks as wastewater treatment process tanks